• Erlang and Elixir to build fault-tolerant systems

    Erlang is a concurrency-oriented programming language, that aims to make programming distributed, fault-tolerant systems feasible and enjoyable. This sounded interesting to me because we are living in a more and more distributed (microservices) world and I started looking at the language and its modern cousin Elixir. Here is what I learned about creating distributed, fault-tolerant systems.

  • SE Radio on lax types, FDD, faults not bugs and Feature Teams

    As mentioned earlier, I like listening to SE Radio. Here are some insights on the usefulness of type systems, project kickoffs, the impact of what you call the faults you make, how simple systems get complex by themselves, the roles in the adoption curve, digging into software to find out the context of its creation, why abbreviations are bad names, the key role of feature teams, and seelenverwandschaft.

  • SE Radio on Distributed Systems, Estimates, Erlang, Rust and static Typing

    I really like listening to Software Engineering Radio episodes, especially when cleaning up the carnage once the kids are asleep. Over time I have gotten quite a lot of useful insights from the interviews. Kudos to the team!

  • PP Coaching at otto.de, First Code, Then Process

    My highlight session at XP Days 16 that really gave me new impulses was “Pair Programming – Developers’ Friend, Managers’ Enemy?” by Stephan Kraus and Thomas Much about Pair Programming Coaching at otto.de. In a nutshell, Thomas worked as developer/coach in a team for 2 sprints, in order to foster Pair Programming and other Agile Engineering Practices, bringing the team’s engineering capabilities sustainably to the next level.

  • Insights into Scrum from its Co-Creator

    This post is about insights I learned from comparing what people tell me about Scrum to how one of its creators, Jeff Sutherland, intends it to work as described in his book “The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time”.

  • Pivotal - unleashing XP to a whole company

    Pivotal Labs is an agile software consulting company. It has grown and cultivated an Extreme Programming software process to, well, the extreme.

  • Github - the fastest monolith in the world

    On my way to the Google Summer of Code summit I made a stop in San Francisco and asked Matthew McCullough from GitHub Inc. if I can get an insight into how they develop software. A presentation on the “agile-ish” ways of GitHub had piqued my interest, because apparently GitHub is very adaptive and flexible, while not subscribing to one of the popular agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban or XP).